I'm soooooo hungry omfg send me a pizza and tell my family about my awesome Saints Row mods

Ravi Anthony Gunaratne III

Hi, Ravi here.


7 minute phone call of Ravi crying that I "made him a fucking joke" and telling me to call 911 on him (lots more funnies) coming soon!

New Video Dropped, almost as good as the lost one.

I have a ton more proof to upload, atleast 5 pics for every WIP paragraph about this deranged lunatic. give me time. or dm me for it... so yeah Ravi, the only "TBs" of content I have is about you! I love you....

Hey Godzhand, just wanted to let you know that nothing you will ever manage to think of can ever stop me. Your baseless claims and self-victimizing will never stop us. You are a joke to both me and the entire remaining community of your beloved game. How sad.


Who is Ravi?

What to Expect

homo homo



See, godzhand will be quick to say horrible shit, the above tweet is him roleplaying as a dead man and doing so, but after I said the same thing to him he made an entire website about me and is trying to "cancel" me for it. Puny and weak.

Ravi’s love life:

As mentioned in messages from Godzhand himself, he is an affluent user of pay for sex services and online dating apps. He has went into deep detail of several of his interactions with these women. The two that stand out are his current lover and the mother of his children. Going off of what he has “bragged” about, Godzhand is a NEET who relies solely on his girlfriends money, exclaiming that she pays all the bills and is a successful member of whatever career she’s in. I cant imagine who would be dumb enough to fall for this guys antics but he never dispelled my theories that she is disabled. Moving on, godzhand has an estranged child with a woman that he impregnated as soon as they got together. Showing how she changed her relationship status on facebook and the day the baby was born it all matches up. Despite this, there are no pictures of Godzhand with this woman, nor his child. In 2018 when she was born, godzhand was messaging in a groupchat exclaiming that you should ALWAYS wear a condom, and alluded to the fact that he was removed from the hospital by security, following this godzhand stated that a restraining order was placed on him by his babymama. I cant be certain but it seems like this is where his hatred for women stemmed from, having a child that he will never get to know. Another thing that sent godzhand off the rails was the fact that someone in this groupchat leaked some very terrible news to the rest of the community (after godzhand started being insane, go figure) about how he actually was supposed to have twins. Following this a link was found to a gofundme for support and described what exactly happened that day. Some users tormented godzhand for this, and while it might not be the most morally correct thing to do, godzhands actions are what prompted people to do this. At risk of going into too much detail, the events that happened on July 4th 2018 served as a turning point in the decline of godzhands humanity. It makes it ever-so-much more odd that a man who experienced a still-birth would use a dead baby as his profile picture on his 1 man discord raids, but hey, it might be a coping strategy.


The Godzhand Cycle:

Start Project
Try to build excitement by apologising to people
Get stuck after ChatGPT cant understand you
Blame community for lack of support
Destroy second chances with everyone

Despite owning several websites and basing his entire free time in making them, it took him 2 days to make a website with broken html, with half the text being generated with AI, you can see where he added his own lines because the grammar and capitalization became a mess. I think he realized and so he removed it all but the only thing he left is still emabrassing



Because saints row 1 is godzhands life… you can find him attempting to speak in a way that a internet-gangbanger would in 2006. However, as a first generation immigrant with zero idea what that actually is, you can mostly find him talking in barely legible english. The funniest attempt at this is a reference to the game’s city, Stilwater. Being that its spelt “Stil” with one L instead of 2. So what exactly does Ravi do? He uhh… removes all second L’s from english words. A staple in mocking him has become prefacing sentences with “yal….” to point out his exaggerated and incoherent speeches.

The Hitman Website:

In 2023, Godzhand made a subdomain on his website “saintsrow.net” calling for the death of popular saints row youtubers “MrSaintsGodzilla21” and “RPGGameplay”offering 20,000 dollars for proof of their demise. (he even added IdolNinja with the hitman target marked as completed.) This is the closest Ravi has been to being arrested as Saints Row’s parent company almost stepped in. A related issue that Godzhand caused was calling for the death of the replacement community manager “XDeadlySteph” who was a prominent hater of the older games and actively shilled the flopped Saints Row Reboot. Theres hot water unrelated to godzhand in this like the fact that steph laughed at saintsgodzilla for being harassed by godzhand because he didnt defend her from godzhand in the past.

"That Fucking Video":

Sometime in 2022, Godzhand became enraged at a community server, “SR1 MP” which hailed as the biggest community for the game that he says “is his life”, that he once roamed as his home (80,000 messages) after an admin made a lighthearted joke, people have speculated that this was just an excuse because it spawned from godzhand’s power struggle with the community. The proof of this lies in the fact that after “nuking” the server, he claimed to be done with the community, yet 2 days later a server was found that was a carbon copy of the nuked one except he was in full power. Following this, the admin that was targeted in this escapade leaked a private video of godzhand freaking out at an amazon customer, this video would spawn a massive exodus from the community remixing the video with edits, gifs, sound clips, etc. You can find messages of godzhand complaining about the turmoil he suffered after this and the proceedings following it. Fast forwarding to today, any time someone mentions the video or posts a clip, godzhand is quick to pull out his card of discord accounts and spam whoever posted it. At times, he will even change his new account to the user he’s harassing and base-lessly call them a pedophile. Why he chooses such an extreme topic? Who knows, but the general idea is that hes trying to redirect the hate from himself to someone else. Despite all of this, in many arguments godzhand claims that he doesnt care about the video and that its old news, and then days later will say that he owns copyrights of the video and that youre not allowed to post it.
